How to Write Pseudocode Algorithm for CAPE Computer Science IA/SBA
After coming up with a logical solution to your problem - your narrative - you must now put that in a format that is more programmer-friendl

Tackling the Narrative!
Hello there! Glad you could join me for this weeks post. As I promised, we will now move on. Before we get to the algorithm though, we...

Getting that Computer Science IA started: Problem Definition
Well hello there! So I see you've gotten this IA that you are wondering how on Earth you are going to start. Well, you've come to the...

Developing Sensible Algorithms
Devising algorithms or code for even the simplest of situations has posed a serious challenge to the CAPE Computer Science students...
Welcome to the CAPE ComSci blog!
Hey there! I see you've stumbled here :) Good luck for you, because you've dropped in the right place to get your weekly scoop of stuff...

"Computer Science for CAPE Examination: UNIT 1" books available.
Interested in passing your exams in flying colours? Yes, I thought you were. Purchase a Computer Science for CAPE Examinations: UNIT 1...

Before we get started...
Hey there! This post has to do with programming. Programming and problem solving is a major part of the syllabus and constitutes the...